Assets & Human Capital

At ReGen Consulting Group, our vision stems from operational experience, success in non-permissive environments, and the realization of the existing cultural, political, and religious gaps that can hinder an organization from achieving its objectives. ReGen Consulting Group, provides a unique approach in solving complex  issues our client have in regards to their assets and human capital  located and operating in hostile locations or have become hostile or have an interest in exploring potential opportunities.

ReGen Consulting Group takes a holistic business approach in viewing your assets and human capital in hostile locations. ReGen Consulting Group uses predictive modeling based on our Religious, Cultural, and Political (RCP) models and apply it to our Intelligence, Operational Support, and Security (IOS) framework that is region specific, to execute the most successful pathway for our clients to succeed.

Simply, we take your financial bottom line in consideration with the specific cultural, political, and religious complexities using our RCP models  and IOS framework to solve your business needs.

We share a passion for the process of resolving these complex issues and convey our client’s message to their intended audience.

Our unique backgrounds allow us to focus globally but put particular emphasis on  Islamic, African, and Latin American nations. We provide a platform that bridges these disparities between the East and the West .

Predictive Modeling

R = Religious Model

C = Cultural Model

P = Political Model

IOS Framework

= Intelligence

= Operational Support

= Security